Ten Questions for The Range of the Awful Hand

The Range of the Awful Hand
·      Who are you, who is in the band, who does what in the studio and on stage?

We are The Range Of The Awful Hand: Kerry McDonald on banjo and vocals, Gerry Hillman on guitar and Brendan Eivers on drums.

·      How would you describe what you do – in a nutshell – to someone who’s never seen you before?

We play our own style; Kerry – our singer, banjo player and songwriter – calls it a rough, rolling, hypnotic sound… maybe after this gig you’ll be able to tell us what it sounds like as we struggle to describe it!

·      How long have you been writing and performing in this way?

We have been in this form since October 2013.

·      How exactly do you work / write / record?

Kerry writes the songs and her parts, then me (Gerry) and Brendan work out our parts… and assuming that Kerry approves of what we have come up with, that’s the song done!

·      When was the last time you played Edinburgh (and where)?

We played at Henry’s at Xmas time. It was a great gig and we had a great party afterwards!

·      If you’ve not played Limbo before, what have you heard about it?

When I mentioned to pals that we are playing at Limbo, they all said it was a really good gig to get – you guys have quite a reputation!

·      What’s next, coming up after this gig, for you and what are you generally looking forward to right now…?

We are hoping to get it together to make a studio recording of some sort – we currently have an i-phone recording as our demo, which sounds awesome and captures the atmosphere of our gig, but we could do with something a wee bit slicker!

·      If you have anything else you’d like to share, feel free to tell us about it here…?

Before you ask, The Range Of The Awful Hand is a mountain range in Galloway, as well as an awesome band from Edinburgh…
